Here comes our contribution to discussion of Information modell and BES usecases. The fact is that - as I mentioned in the meeting - we use interface part of the current BES spec. So we implemented a some pure web services which talks this BES interfaces. The architecture is the following: We have a lot of Linux cluster system in our country and we try to provide middleware to our users to use this resources as easy as it can. Every cluster runs own batch system like Condor or SGE and we choosed the BES as a common interface to this batch systems. So we have a services - currently it is called Job Controller (JC) but the name dosen\'t really important - which talks the BES and local batch system running on resources. The jobs are represented by the JSDL documents in our system so our scheduler service only make some decision which BES service will be used to run a jobs. It is true that in our system the JC which talks the BES interfaces does a lot of thing from the stage in and out files and translate JSDL to submit language of local batch system and monitor jobs. So in this case we have to describe resources with attributes to make decision on the scheduler. Currently, we are in the beginning of this work but actually we use these type of attributes to descriobe our cluster resources: We know this is the really toy description but it was useful in every day work: LRMSType: type of Local Resource Manager services like Condor, PBS, LFS etc. OperatingSystem: name of operating system of front end node of cluster (we assume here the homogenous cluster resources) Architecture CpuNum RunningJob: jobs in running state in the queue FreeCpuNum OwnedCpuNum: how many cpu are used by the running jobs JobNum: total length of queue DataStorageTotal: total size of local disk space (here assume shared storage system used by cluster nodes) DataStorageFree: TempStorageTotal: total size of temporaly storage used by jobs (like size of /tmp mount point) TempStorageFree We also use the BES interfaces in the SuperScheduler level of architecture. We also have service which talks BES interface but it is represnets only a single desktop machine. In this case we are using the following attributes (the status is the same: this is only the toy but is is works): OperatingSystem Architecture CpuNum: because it can be the SMP system TotalPhysicalMemory FreePhysicalMemory TotalVirtualMemory FreeVirtualMemory LoadAvg: 5min average DataStorageTotal DataStorageFree TempStorageTotal TempStorageFree We know these attributes and modell is less useful in general case but probably can be the a good starting point to understand what real grid system providers would like to see in resource descriptions and information modells. -- Regards, Ferenc Szalai NIIF, Hungary