Proposal for the Life Sciences Grid Research Group (in GGF) Best Practices We propose that the LSG-RG create a workgroup to create a document to describe Best Practices in creating Bio Grids and Health Grids. This document would describe 1. Benefits of a Grid for the Health Sciences 2. How to set up a Grid 3. Security precautions that must be taken 4. Resources that can be used 5. Location of a list of other Health Sciences grids 6. Other topics to be determined by the authors of the document. We anticipate that the initial draft will explain that it is a document of "current practices" rather than "best practices," since not enough experience is available to declare anything as a best practice. We also anticipate that the initial draft will continue to explain that the intent is for the document to be adapted as time goes on and eventually lead to a description of true "best practices." Dave Angulo and Abbas Farazdel will lead the effort, along with any other interested persons. We would like to get volunteers for anyone who would like to contribute to this effort and would have time to work on it. We suggest bi-weekly conference calls to get started.