This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/12088?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:14:12 GMT
Artifact ID Subject Status Priority Assigned To
542 Discuss charter update and new schedule for WG Open 1 Hiro Kishimoto
504 Arrange Dec. 2003 F2F Open 1 Hiro Kishimoto
501 Draw up series of PE agendas(4) leading up to the Dec. F2F Open 2 Andrew Grimshaw
314 Information on GT3 service definition Assigned 2 Ian Foster
132 OGSA-WG's role wrt to other GGF OGSA related WGs Assigned 2 Hiro Kishimoto
419 Discuss OGSA branding at GGF9  Assigned 2 Hiro Kishimoto
540 Produce list of WGs from GGF9 sessions and ask for volunteer liaisons Assigned 2 Hiro Kishimoto
535 Arrange Jan or Feb 2004 F2F Open 2 Hiro Kishimoto
500 Write up how we expect people to relate to OGSA  Open 3 Ravi Subramaniam
502 Send out minutes from GGF9 PE subgroup private session. Open 3 Andrew Grimshaw
503 Send out annoucement of logging subgroup's extended agenda Open 3 Bill Horn
404 IP problems with WS-Agreement using WS-Policy Assigned 3 Jay Unger
534 Talk with Jeff Nick and straighten things out on group's focus Open 3 David Snelling
538 Review OGSA-SEC documents and summarize to group Open 3 Takuya Mori
519 Symmetry issue to be put to GRAAP-WG Open 3 David Snelling
536 Look into hosting Jan/Feb F2F at an Intel Santa Clara facility Open 3 Ravi Subramaniam
584 Updates from security discussion Open 3 Frank Siebenlist
585 Address questions in security summary  document Open 3 Frank Siebenlist
447 Produce a roadmap document Open 4 Jeff Nick
520 Do a draft normative rendering of OGSA in terms of current standards Open 4 Hiro Kishimoto
422 Policy examples are needed Assigned 4 Jay Unger
410 Identify WG doing VO work Assigned 4 Ian Foster
453 Define a process for spawning subgroups & GGF WGs Open 4 Hiro Kishimoto
581 F2F #7 arrangements Open 4 Hiro Kishimoto
454 Spawn Logging WG Open 5 Bill Horn
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/12088?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:14:13 GMT