Description: Interactive access for user to information produced by job and to information job is using (session directory). Related requirements: #171 Description: Client software should consistently understand state of job in order to take proper actions. Related requirements: #170 Description: Client software should be able to consistently understand capabilities of resource. Related requirements: #163 Description: Client software should implement as little number of protocols as possible for accessing execution service. Related requirements: #143, #169 Description: In case of user client directly communicating execution service access pattern (client to service) is unpredictable and may contain long inactivity intervals. Hence it is desirable for Execution service not to forget about finished job immediately in order to report result of job execution to client. Related requirements: #165 Description: To provide quick review of job state it should be possible limit amount of information to be pumped over network for that purpose. Related requirements: #164 Description: Users do not like when they jobs disappear, even temporarily. Users may panic. Related requirements: #156, #165 Description: Users are usually quite advanced and if failure happens they want to see meaningful explanation of error. Even if users can't understand error they may report it to experts. Related requirements: #147, #148 Description: Users are very sensitive to response time of software they use. In case of direct communication of user's software (client) with execution service it is important to keep communication time minimal. Related requirements: #144 Description: The job may use relatively big (put into file) set of input parameters generated dynamically by user's software. It is desirable to make it possible to include such input data with job description. This may be implemented by storing such files on some storage service prior to submitting jobs. But that would require user's software to handle their lifetime hence introducing additional complexity. Also users not having control over long-life storage resources would be ruled out. Related requirements: #141, #142 Description: Users like to understand what is going on even if they have no way to affect it. Having possibility to obtain information more than available from generic job status is desirable. Related requirements: #133 Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: Description: Related requirements: