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This is a summary of Monday's AG meeting on the Visualization Frameworks document. Thanks to Tom Coffin for taking copious notes. The participants were; John Shalf LBNL MIke Papka ANL Tom Coffin NCSA Dave Semararo NCSA Bill Sherman NCSA Ken Brodlie U Leeds Stuart Charters Durham Mark Hewitt Newcastle Ieuan Nicholas Cardiff Nick Avis Cardiff Jim Ahrens LANL Andre Merzky ZIB Andrei Hutanu ZIB Sarah Bunn Caltech (phone) John McCorquodale Caltech Intro--------------------------------------------- This meeting was a discussion of visualization, data analysis, model structures and the analysis of the additional requirements imposed by the movement to a grid-based visualization and data analysis system. The GGF wants to see documents that identify best-practices in the community to point the way for future grid technology development efforts. Therefore, this effort will revolve around creating such a document revolving around data models and requirements for grid vis. There is an incredibly long history regarding creation of vis model. At a minimum, we need a proper assessment assessment of what has been done in the past in terms of both theory and implementation. In the DOE, there is an effort to address these issues for interoperable visualization and data analysis components called DiVA (Distributed Visualization Architecture) Likewise the Storage Resource Management (SRM) ISAC in DOE has a similar effort afoot for distributed storage management systems. This effort will likely focus on the bigger issues that will drive both the SRM and DiVA activities. So, the initial proposal is that the document consist of the following 4 chapters. 1- data model requirments 2- history of theory in vis modelling 3- history of data model implementation 4- additional reqs. for the grid (distributed parrallel) The goal is to; * understand and document the requirements of the scientific community * document the breadth of solutions (both in theory and implementation) that attempt to address the needs of the community * understand and document the constraints parallel/distributed environments place on these data models All of this is done with the intent of providing more breadth to future efforts on Grid-based data analysis environments. There is a general concern that without such a document, the resulting grid services standards developed through the GGF will be too narrow in focus to form the basis of a robust and broadly-applicable Grid "infrastructure." ----------Discussion------------------ At this point, we turned to each site to get their opinions on what the overall content of the document should be and what areas they could contribute to such a document. Ken Brodle: UK Leeds * concerned about the desired result of this document (why are we doing this?). * also concerned because many people have tried and failed at this before. * can contribute to the following subjects -critique of some past attempts at unified data models -requirements that drive development of GVis -alterations/improvements/problems with NAG Explorer data structures that make them inappropriate for use on the Grid (and some desired solutions/requirements that would address these problems). Nick Avis, Leuan Nicholas: Cardiff (Covise) * starting work on distributed environment. Will share preliminary requirements for distributed Covise. Namely, there will be a description of what aspects of the distributed environment will force reworking/adjustments in the Covise data structures and abstract data model. Stuart Charters at Durham: * Interested in contributing a section on issues related to streaming data. * One issue in distributed environments is how to efficiently manage concurrent access to data. * partial results out of the pipeline before you have finished. * Several peer-to-peer items to the same data source. * Scientists and for information visualization for textual information. * Will describe both requirements that these use-cases impose on the abstract data model as well as implementation issues that address these constraints. Jim Ahrens: * Like many others, feels this will be very *hard* to do. * In the interest of focusing the document, there is a general desire that we focus on distributed/grid computing issues so that we don't end up with an unmanageably large scope. * Interested in considerations of distributed issues for data models -- what extensions are required to manage distributed data and how they relate to pipeline design. Andre Merzky and Andrei Hutanu: ZIB * They have an interest in the fiber bundle approach as a means to provide a more generality as well as adaptors for domain-specific data models for efficiency. * There is an effort in GGF to tag a file format, but it is in need of supplemental information that can be provided through understanding of the data models and requirements. * Also interested in HDF5 file formats and data models, data sturcture requirements for remoteHDF5, fiber bundles. * Possible areas of contribution (depending on time) -considerations for both fiber bundle data models -description of the domain-specific adaptor approach (compare/contrast) -describe data model requirements of Amira customers such as medical imaging and astrophysics research -AMR data -considerations for distributed pipelines Dave Semeraro at NCSA: * Requirements from SWOF and Teragrid projects * Can pull some requirements and ideas from Bob Wilhelmson's ambitious with big data movement for weather modeling. This will provide a very good example/use-case. * Can also describe requirements for projects in Astrophysics, -FLASH code (some AMR) * SWOF project wants to deal with data in the Access Grid -It would be very interesting to hear what kinds of constraints the AG or AG-hosted visualization places on data analysis data models. Mike Papka: * This is going to be hard, but it is also necessary. * need focus and deadlines. John McCorquodale at CalTech: * Research on high throughput parallel data analysis system -T221 backed by 4 nodes with a pair of myrinets -12-16 GigE channels to Teragrid router -1-2Gigabytes/sec from a remote renderer -ANL teragrid vis cluster * Software support for this environment requires custom streaming media protocols (hybrid unicast/multicast) * The performance requirements motivate him to create the simplest wire format possible for a file (one serialization format/protocol per use). Generalization is likely to lead to inefficiency. * Proposes that the nucleating thought around which we build this document is "what requirements are of parallelism" and "what are all of the kinds of parallelism that this format percludes". This will help focus the scope of this document. Action Items: Questionnaire: Tom Coffin suggested we develop a questionnaire to determine the disposition of the various people contributing to this document and help separate areas of inquiry that participants believe are "pressing issues" from more mundane considerations. We will try to get this out to you in a week or two. Initial Outline: A draft outline of the content for this document will be created in response to the questionnaire results. Milestones: At that point, we must also need to agree on a schedule for completing this document so that it doesn't drag on forever. This is also forthcoming.