OGSA DMI Skype Telecon - 11th Feb 2011, 9am GMT/10am CET ------------------------------------------------------- Present: David Meredith, STFC [DM] Shahbaz Memon, FZJ [SM] Mario Antonioletti, EPCC [MAA] Steve Crouch, University of Southampton [STC] Agenda: 1. Agenda bashing 2. Actions review 3. Discussion - planning/organising content for the next version of the spec 4. Planning 5. AOB 6. DONM You can find the previous meeting (28th Jan 2011) minutes with actions, http://tinyurl.com/66dvcvd 1. Agenda bashing 1.1. Status of rendering specification Action: [SM] To contact Greg to check status of rendering specification 2. Actions review Completed Actions ----------------- [STC] Template of new DMI-Common spec by next week [DM] Put links to DMI Common resources on GridForge OGSA-DMI WG [DONE] [All] Draft scope for new version of spec (in bullet points). - STC as GIN-CG co-chair input to scoping discussion. New Actions ----------- [SM] To contact Greg to check status of rendering specification [SM] To contact dCache and University of Dresden to engage them in DMI [SM] To suggest DMI in OCCI spec public comments [DM] To have a chat with Jens Jensen about data requirements and DMI, and who else may be interested [STC] Give update to data area manager about status of DMI before OGF31 - 2 slides by March Ongoing Actions --------------- [STC] To request input & feedback from Shahbaz Memon, FZJ [STC] Draft an extension to OGSA-DMI charter to encompass bulk data copying activity - Edit the version on the GridForge website - the master version [STC] To review DM's contributions to the draft spec [STC] To arrange a session for OGF31: update on our progress, spec, etc. [STC] To chat to Shahbaz about attendance [DM] To take the pen for porting existing content into draft spec for next two weeks - To finish draft in next week [DM] Ask Mark Morgan from University of Virginia about (in the context of JSDL): - Element references with BulkDataCopy - DEPRs and EPRs - opinions on how best to proceed - Send presentation to them but summarise in bullet points in the email; include corrorobative statements from S.Newhouse - OGF29 attendance - STC to draft first email today, DM to amend, send by tomorrow [SM/MAA] Take GridForge Wiki and write-up in experiment document to start proper in March, but MAA to have a look beforehand if possible. - Shahbaz would like to start at end of Feb [PT] To circulate progress update on implementation 3. Discussion - planning content for the next version of the spec Needs more work done for first draft before review, need to decide whether to put in references to declared elements to avoid repetition (i.e. define credentials once, then refer to them later). Before we decided probably not, but it would be good to have in there if possible. Perhaps another 1-2 weeks before it goes out for review Action: [DM] Put up draft specification on OGSA-DMI-WG GridForge when ready Decide on whether to have call early next week. 4. Planning OGF31? No-one can attend this time. Risk of non-involvement from others - should try and get more people involved. Smaller specs good, but must be complete. Must cover enough use cases. MAA: perhaps worth getting in contact with SRM to re-engage them in DMI. Action: [SM] To contact dCache and University of Dresden to engage them in DMI Shahbaz working with OCCI spec, focusing on compute resources. Data doesn't seem to be covered; how do they represent data requirements? DMI Common could be a good fit. OCCI currently in public comment, could use that. Action: [SM] To suggest DMI in OCCI spec public comments Action: [DM] To have a chat with Jens Jensen about data requirements and DMI, and who else may be interested Dave should develop DMI without constraints imposed by JSDL. 5. AOB Action: [STC] Give update to data area manager about status of DMI before OGF31 - 2 slides by March 6. DONM - Provisionally 18th Feb at 10am CET/9am GMT