{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 OGSA DMI Skype Telecon - 10th Dec 2010, 9am GMT/10am CET\ --------------------------------------------------------\ \ Present:\ David Meredith, STFC [DM]\ Shahbaz Memon, FZJ [SM]\ Mario Antonioletti, EPCC [MAA]\ Steve Crouch, University of Southampton [STC]\ \ Agenda:\ \ 1. Agenda bashing\ 2. Actions review\ 3. The 'OGSA-DMI Plain Web Services Rendering Specification 1.0'\ -- Document currently in public comments phase (noted by Andre Merzky)\ -- How to move this forward\ 4. DMI strawman\ -- Current status and future work\ 5. Progress update\ 6. Planning\ -- Any early plans for OGF31?\ 7. AOB\ 8. Date of next meeting\ \ The previous meeting minutes (8am, 22nd April) were posted to the\ OGSA-DMI list following the meeting and can also be found on OGF\ GridForge at: http://tinyurl.com/36y778g\ \ \ 1. Agenda bashing\ \ 2. Actions review\ \ New Actions:\ ------------\ \ [SM] Send email about publishing WS-I rendering to Greg Newby, stating all comments from public comments phase taken into account (only the comments from SM!).\ \ [MAA] Review draft email to Greg Newby.\ \ [All] Draft scope for new version of spec (in bullet points).\ - STC as GIN-CG co-chair input to scoping discussion.\ \ [SM/MAA] Take GridForge Wiki and write-up in experiment document to start proper in March, but MAA to have a look beforehand if possible.\ \ [STC] Send Doodle for next week Skype meeting aimed towards scoping next version of spec.\ \ \ Completed Actions:\ ------------------\ \ [STC] Email Justin's contact details to DM to discuss Commons-VFS\ \ [SM] EMail OGSA-DMI list with agenda for strawman tech. meeting on Wed 12th May at 11am\ \ [STC] Email Steve Tuecke and Ravi with paper and strawman \ (stipulate non-circulation for paper - it's not published yet!)\ [STC] Query Ravi about involvement with OGSA-DMI to engage Globus - and\ get a technical contact\ - Awaiting reply from Ravi and/or Steve Tuecke by Friday\ - DM has been in touch with Ravi and Raj, not much commitment at this stage\ - MAA: not really relevant for them anymore\ \ [STC] Email Steve Tuecke and Ravi with paper and strawman presentation (stipulate non-circulation for paper - it's not published yet!)\ \ [DM/SM] Look at functional spec and evaluate necessary changes w.r.t.\ strawman\ - And post up an example\ - Propose a timeline for OGF29\ - By weekend - edit strawman doc, make next telecon a tech telecon with at least SM, DM, GG\ \ [DM/SM] Improve the strawman document in collaboration\ - Catch up required to merge changes and discuss points\ - Need to change functional spec\ - Couple of days effort\ - Feedback is important\ - Uploaded strawman up to GridForge about changes for functional spec\ \ [DM] Upload strawman document to the gridforge in order to have more\ visibility to other participants\ - Effectively the presentation uploaded to OGF28 is a first draft\ - Functional spec - change directly?\ - For strawman, just upload the schema for now\ \ \ Ongoing Actions:\ ----------------\ \ [PT] To circulate progress update on implementation\ \ [STC] Draft an extension to OGSA-DMI charter to encompass bulk data\ copying activity\ - Edit the version on the GridForge website - the master version\ \ Aside: paper could be published in June-ish\ \ [DM/STC] Ask Andrew Grimshaw and Mark Morgan from University of Virginia\ about:\ - Element references with BulkDataCopy\ - DEPRs and EPRs - opinions on how best to proceed\ - Send presentation to them but summarise in bullet points in the\ email; include corrorobative statements from S.Newhouse\ - OGF29 attendance\ - STC to draft first email today, DM to amend, send by tomorrow\ \ 3./4./5. Discussion:\ \ DM: created home-cooked version for DataMINX. Still very relevant. Move spec towards DataMINX implementation.\ \ SM: unicore implementation based on current version.\ \ MAA: spec not yet gone through ratification process. WS-I rendering stuck in pipeline.\ \ SM: WSRF subclass of WS-I model; unicore interoperable with all imps that are WS-I compliant.\ \ Accept WS-I rendering, and work on new version of spec.\ \ New action: [SM] Email about publishing WS-I rendering to Greg Newby, stating all comments taken into account (comments from SM!).\ \ New action: [MAA] Review draft email to Greg Newby.\ \ New action: [All] Draft scope for new version of spec (in bullet points).\ - STC as GIN-CG co-chair input to scoping discussion.\ \ New action: [SM/MAA] Take GridForge Wiki and write-up in experiment document to start proper in March, but MAA to have a look beforehand if possible.\ \ New action: [STC] Send Doodle for next week Skype meeting aimed towards scoping next version of spec.\ \ Staff resourcing with DataMINX an issue on both Australian and UK sides.\ \ 6. Planning\ \ OGF31 attendance: SM and STC maybe attending.\ \ 7. Date of next meeting\ \ DONM: By Doodle poll\ }