OGSA WG Tele-conference minutes =============================== 29 November 2007 Slot 1 - Information Modelling ------------------------------ Participants ------------ Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Ellen Stokes, IBM Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Action Item review ------------------ - Minutes of 8 November approved without changes. - No actions on the action list - Document tracker action items: -- artf5978 closed as it's superseded by other artifacts Information Model Architecture ------------------------------ In absence of Sergio, Ellen explains the proposed replacement for figure three in the said document, with the proposal sent by Sergio to the list this morning. Ellen expresses her preference for the "three-bubble-diagram". The group agrees that the UML diagram should not be discarded, but a proper place has to be found in the architeture document. Action Item: Ellen to update figure 3, but not with the proposed replacement. Ellen recommends to use Sergio's UML diagram in the same document, for example in chapter 5 or the appendix. Michel has been working with Sergio on modelling guidelines for how to render the GLUE information model into a GLUE XML Schema data model. The rendering and the guidelines are not complete yet, but the discussions revolve around the usability in XPATH and XQuery expressions. The group agrees that we need to schedule a 2-hour slot for the Information Model effort, to review the hopefully close to final version of the document.