1. Roll call Steven Newhouse (Microsoft) Mario Antonioletti (EPCC) Michel Dressler (Fujitsu) Allen Luniewski (IBM) 2. The minutes of the 30 May 2007 meeting were approved 3. Action Item Review [Michel] Migrate actions from past minutes to tracker items. No progress [Allen] Talk to the security people at OGF to see if there is any prior work on [Identity]. A note has been sent to the Security Area directors but no response has been received. 4. Steven's Security Note of 3 June 2007 It was suggested that source/sink need to return security information in the returned EPR that can be used later to both authenticate with the source/sink when the DTF/DTI come to them and for the DTF/DTI to parse that information to do the protocol specific authentication. The above leads to a need for a DTF to advertise the security infrastructures that it supports. ACTION: Steven: to create XML for use cases for the security issue described here and in his note of 3 June. 5. State model & Life cycle ACTION: Michel to split the DONE state into two states: success and failure. He will also fix the prose around the state diagram. We agreed that the DTF is responsible for protocol negotiation. Thus the DTF either returns a DTI EPR or it throws a fault. This simplifies the DTI state diagram. We noted that the DTF is a stateless web service while the DTI is a stateful web service. 6. Miscellaneous Spec Discussion ACTION: Allen - Need to clarify that source/sink are dealing with an ordered sequence of bytes but that we make no assertions about the sequence in which bytes are emitted. We changed 3.2.3 to clean up the phrase asserting that the sink preserves the "data size and organization" of the transferred data so as not assert this equivalence. We removed the reference to event notification in 3.2.5 3.2.5 - The second sentence describing DTI lifetime was removed as being superfluous. 3.2.6 - In the third paragraph we removed opening phrase "In most situations" and added "almost" in the remaining part of this sentence. There will be no call on 13 June. Next call on June 20, same time, same place.