DMI Minutes, 21 March 2007 Roll call: Michel Dressler (Fujitsu) Mario Antonioletti (EPCC) Allen Luniewski (IBM) The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Action items: Michel: has set up two tracker items per previous meeting. Michel is working on a specification for NextGrid. Part of this will form the basis for the initial draft of the DMI specification. 1. Michel explained the proposal he is putting into the NextGrid specification for composite objects. 2. Michel will cut/paste from the NextGrid doc to the DMI doc when the NextGrid document is complete. The target for this is April 6. Transfer lifetime and lifecycle was discussed. Michel proposes that DMI provide a means to query % of progress that has been made. 1. Mario: concern about the cost of monitoring when moving small amounts of data. 2. We conjecture that the ability to determine how far the transfer has progressed is a protocol specific function. Thus, the best that DMI can do is promise to provide some (sanitized/generalized) version of that data when it is available. Thus, DMI can not promise to provide progress monitoring. Next meeting: April 4 at the ususal time. Note that Europe will be on summer time for this meeting!