Minutes GSA-RG Telecon Nov 27, 2007 10:00-11:00 CET (9-10 UTC) Participants: Ariel Olelsiak Oliver Wäldrich Philipp Wieder Ramin Yahyapour (Wolfgang mailed that he is on travel) (Nicola is in a meeting) Notes taken by: Ramin Yahyapour Minutes: - Requirements Document: o Nicola submitted a first version of JM see: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14028?nav=1 o Oliver submitted s first version of NM see: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14020?nav=1 o discussion is postponed to a later telecon - Negotiation Protocol Oliver: o started work on the extension for WS-Agreement, no document yet available o the protocol will support the gathering of time availability information specific for a request. o offer/counter offer mechanism for negotiation with modified attributes and ranges o two-phase commit, extended state-diagram for pre-reservation (to support e.g. co-allocation) o problem: failure of brokers during comittment in pre-reservation currently not further investigated, for a later stage: "Paxos" seems like a suitable protocol to deal with reliable committments (see work by Jon MacLaren) o Oliver will continue work on the protocol - JSDL Attributes see document: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14009?nav=1 o discussion on the supported attributes by UNICORE/VIOLA-MSS o clarification of IndividualCpuCount, TotalCpuCount, ResourceCount o Oliver will check the table in the latest document and update the VIOLA part - Scheduling Attributes see document: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14026?nav=1 Ariel presents the current entries: o discussion on job priorities and "Queue-based scheduling requirements" these seem to be useful for very specific scenarios. It is suggested to neglect them for the first stage. o a language for defining the objective/preference/cost model for the scheduler qould be useful This is not considered for the first stage. OGSA-RSS has a proposal for such a language. This could be investigated later. o Oliver will check/update the UNICORE/VIOLA segment of the suppported attrributes - Querying Attributes o in the last call it was discussed to consider a dynamic interface to query the supported JSDL and scheduling attributes from a scheduler. This will be considered at a later stage. Protocol is probably quite simple. Downloading a simple list of attributes with state of support. - Most group members will be at the Grids@Work event in Sophia Antipolis and attend the CoreGRID session of IRMS on Nov 27th. The time will also be used for GSA related discussion. The next telecon will be scheduled after this event: e.g. Dec 6-8th?