OGSA 15 - Day 2 - 18 July 2006 - morning - BES (2) ================================================== * Participants Jay Unger Ellen Stokes Steve McGough Ian Foster Ravi Subramaniam Marvin Theimer Hiro Kishimoto Chris Smith Nick Werstiuk Michel Drescher Andreas Savva Pete Ziu Dave Snelling Andrew Grimshaw Bridge: Darren Pulsipher Peter Lane Mark Morgan * Summary of Actions ACTION: HPC Profile WG will do first draft - draft schema - worked examples for identified specialized states - Andrew and Dave S have volunteered to review the document * BES ** BES State model (cont.) - Examples of BES state models Consensus towards parallel model - Viewed as simpler to define piecemeal and for clients to parse and find the parts they can understand - Implementors must make sure that the 'profiles' they implement are orthogonal to each other Do need to do detailed examples of this approach as part of the specification. ACTION: HPC Profile WG will do first draft - draft schema - worked examples for identified specialized states - Andrew and Dave S have volunteered to review the document * Review of yesterday's decisions and work items during the HPC Profile discussion, see powerpoint notes. * Container attributes review - BES v18 - Table 1 - language needs fixing; some are optional but still need to be 'supported' - The intention is that the types column holds XML schema types - Name -> Common Name (1) - LocalResourceNameType : string but need guidance on what the values are; do they include the version, spelling etc. Well known names defined? - Agreed to delete; can be done as extension - TotalNumberofActivities: 1; need to discuss issues surrounding these.