Grid Scheduling Architetcure Research Group Telecon 05 Apr 2006 Participants: ------------- Ariel Oleksiak Philipp Wieder Wolfgang Ziegler Ramin Yahyapour Notes: ------ Philipp Agenda: ------- 1) Review actions from last telecon 2) Requirements document status 3) Requirements template changes 4) GGF 17 agenda 5) AOB Review actions from last telecon -------------------------------- - Apologies from anybody, no new requirements until know. Everyone is working on the respective templates. Requirements document status ---------------------------- - No progess. GGF 17 ------ - No external presentations. - Present the document history. - Potential next steps beyond the requirements document. - Definition of an architecture - potential questions: * Level of abstraction? Are we precise enough? * Benefit for other people? * Implementation? Could GSA be implemented e.g. as a SOA? * How do scheduling instances interact in general? - Co-operation with projects wrt to implementation of architetcure (e.g. CoreGRID, D-Grid). AOB --- - Based on the GGF 17 agenda discussion the topic of usability of a GSA for the different parties on the call has been addressed: * Uni Dortmund sees benefit regarding its involvement in D-Grid. * Fraunhofer SCAI is interested in GSA in context of the VIOLA project. * PSNC sees main benefit in interoperability of different scheduler instances, but this is something that is not delivered by a high-level arch. -> Request for interface level GSA definition. * Apart from the VIOLA project FZJ is mainly interested in the scientific outcome of the work. - Close gap between the work done in groups like OGSA and the high-level GSA work. * The issues addressed in GSA are missing in work done by OGSA-RSS, OGSA-BES, etc. * This is als a point valuable to discuss at GGF 17. Actions ------- - Philipp: Send Ariel NextGRID work on Resource Management. - Ariel: Send assingments for requirements to list. Asignments for requirements --------------------------- - Information Service: Ramin - Job-/Workflow Requirement Description: Ariel, Philipp - Resource Discovery: Philipp - Reservation Management, Agreement and Negotiation: Ramin, Wolfgang - Accounting: n.n. - Billing: n.n. - Job Management: Nicola - Monitoring: n.n. - Data Management: Ramin, Wolfgang - Network Management: Ramin, Wolfgang - Performance Prediction: Ariel Next telecon ------------ F2F meeting in Poznan April 20/21, 2006. Core group of GSA-RG will be there.