Grid Scheduling Architetcure Research Group Telecon 02 Feb 2006 Participants: ------------- Ariel Oleksiak NIcola Tonellotto Philipp Wieder Ramin Yahyapour Notes: ------ Philipp Agenda: ------- 1) Review actions from last telecon 2) Requirements document status 3) Requirements template changes 4) Finalising GGF16 agenda 5) AOB Review actions from last telecon -------------------------------- - All done. Requirements document status ---------------------------- - Few changes in the document itself. - Acting entities (Defintion: an entity which invokes a certain function): + (Ariel) We then also need components/services which are not active. => Create list of entities, categorise them into groups and define which categories we are tackling and which not. + Q: Only "Scheduling access client" or also clients like an management one? + Collect further entities via mailing list. - Look at the OGSA EMS OGSA™ EMS Architecture Scenarios Version 1.0 (draft 008) document and compare it to the GSA-RG approach. Q (Nicola): Is the GSA-RG approach more general? A (Ramin): Yes, it may be also possible that there are GSA architectures which are not compliant to EMS. E.g. a Scheduling Instance is not part of the EMS, this may be potential input to EMS. - => Take EMS into account when specifiying the interactions between GSA entities and write a comparison. Requirements template changes ----------------------------- - Comments from the previous telecon have been incorporated. Looks very good. - => Copy template into requirements doc to be filled in. [act, Ariel] Small additions to description of the template, then send it to the list. [act, Ariel] Copy template into requirements document. GGF 16 ------ - Intro (5 mins) - Three talks incl. abstracts. (45 mins) - Requirements document discussion (40 minutes) + Template + requirements (two slides) + Discussion based on questions raised by the requirements work (one slide) [act, Philipp] Verify the talks with Thomas and Mathias. [act, Philipp] Send email with agenda and abstracts to GSA, GRAAP, OGSA-RSS, OGSA. AOB --- - Use case document -> before GGF 16. Next telecon ------------ To be decided after GGF 16, details via list