Grid Scheduling Architetcure Research Group Telecon 19 Jan 2006 Participants: ------------- Ariel Oleksiak Nicola Tonellotto Philipp Wieder Ramin Yahyapour Notes: ------ Philipp Agenda: ------- 1) Use case document 2) Requirements document 3) GGF 16 4) AOB Use case document ----------------- - The document will be finalised before GGF 16. Philipp is currently proof-reading it. Requirements document --------------------- - History: + At GGF 15 the essential GSA functions have been agreed upon. This is already reflected by the document. + The progress in writing input for the different functions was somehow slow, one possible reason may be the missing common structure for all functions. + This resulted in the creation of a template (thanks Ariel): + In addition Ariel created an example (performance prediction): - Review of the template: + Rename "existing technologies" to "references" and increase the box size. + In general only one box per row, with some exceptions. + Re-name "actors" to "acting entities". + There is no pre-defined list of "actors", this seems to be necessary. + Do we need help with the "references" from other groups? A (Ramin): Not necessarily, we put in what we have. No claim to be exhaustive. The document review may result in more. + One sub-subsection per function in the document plus an introductionary text. + Add a short name for every requirement. - We use the performance prediction exmaple for GGF 16. [act, Ariel] Change the template. [act, Ramin] Compile list of "acting entities". GGF 16 ------ - Concerning the agenda see the following email thread: [act, Philipp] Contact Thomas to finalise agenda. AOB --- - Ramin takes care of another top-level task group for daily group bizniz. Next telecon ------------ 03 Feb 2006, 15:00 CET, details via list