OGSA-DMI telecon minutes ======================== 15 November 2006 Participants ============ Allen Luniewski, IBM Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Apologies: ---------- Ravi Madduri, ANL Paolo Badino, CERN Gavin Mccance, CERN Alex Sim, LBL James Casey, CERN Minutes: Michel Drescher 1) Early discussion =================== - Telecon minutes approval -- Mintes of 18 Oct approved with minor changes. -- Mintes of 25 Oct approved. -- Mintes of 1 Nov approved. -- Mintes of 8 Oct approved. 2) Action Items =============== - AI-10.11.a: DONE - AI-10.11.b: DONE - AI-10.11.c: No progress - AI-10.11.d: No progress - AI-10.18.a: DONE - AI-10.18.b: DONE 3) Management ============= - New conference time slot -- 8 am Pacific time -- Allen would be about 10 minutes late -- Would need to schedule "boring management stuff" to the beginning to suit people on the US west coast -- Calls from 22 November on will be scheduled for 4 pm UTC. - Map Action Items on GridForge -- Using it that way to track Action Items -- Not really an issue at the moment -- AI in the meeting agenda is sufficient at the moment -- Highly depends on the participant's GridForge usage -- The group reached consensus to not use GridForge Tasks to map Action Items. - Document format on GridForge: -- PDF is fine for stable or final documents -- The current reality is that MS Office documents are the de facto standard to create and edit documents -- Alternative solutions seem to be used by a minor fraction of OGF participants anyway -- The experience of the phone conf participants shows that no other WG so far challenged the MS Office document format for editable documents. -- The group reaches consensus that editable documents must be put on GridForge in MS Office document format. -- Meeting minutes should be nothing else than ASCII. 4) Data Movement Interface Use Cases ==================================== - The discussion has been postponed for broader participation. 5) OGF-19 sessions ================== - We need to submit session requests by the end of this week friday - The sessions are 90 minutes each - Half a day for OGSA-DMI is sufficient - We will request two sessions - Each prospect OGF-19 participant for OGSA-DMI should sent Michel a personal mail list of constraints for clashes with other WG sessions or else. - Allan Luniewski's constraints: -- avoid conflict with OGSA-Data - Michel Drescher's constraints: -- avoid conflict with JSDL -- avoid conflict with OGSA WG -- avoid conflict with OGSA-ByteIO - Draft agenda: -- Functional specification -- Use Cases document 6) Wrap up ========== - Date of next meeting -- 22 November 2006 16:00 UTC -- Note: That week is US Thanksgiving holiday week! Outstanding Action Items: ------------------------ AI-10.11.c: Ravi to write a data transfer use case collection for RFT AI-10.11.d: Alex to write a data transfer use case collection for SRM Copy