OGSA-DMI meeting 2006-10-18 17:00--18:00 UTC (v0.1) Present: ------- Michel Drescher, Fujitsu-Europe (chair) Allen Luniewski, IBM Ravi Madduri, ANL (chair) Paul Millar, University of Glasgow (minutes) Apologies: --------- Gavin McCance, CERN. Agenda: ------ 1) Early discussion (10 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telecon minutes approvals 11 Oct: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc13943?nav=1 Agenda bashing 2) Action Item review (10 min) List of open action items see below 3) Group management (15 min) Calendar sharing Screen sharing File and document management Releases, packages and associated relationships in Gridforge 4) Wrap up (10 min) AOB 1) Early discussion: ------------------- Note taker: as above. Roll call: as above. Minutes from previous meeting: approved. Agenda bashing: no changes suggested. 2) Action Item review: --------------------- AI-10.11.a,b and d: no change AI-10.11.c: Ravi to write a data transfer use case collection for RFT Some progress was reported. AI-10.11.e: Michel to get Ravi up to speed on necessary chair issues Michel has sent an email to Ravi with relevant information. Ravi is happy with this. ACTION CLOSED. 3) Group Management: ------------------- Calendar sharing: Proposal: to set up a new Google email account and use that account to have a public read-only Google calendar. Any software that can synchronise against ical format should work. Software known to work includes Thunderbird, Outlook, ... This already works for other groups; Andreas knows more. Proposal accepted. NEW AI-10.18.a: on Michel: contact Andreas to ask how to configure a Google calendar. NEW AI-10.18.b: on Ravi: undertake necessary steps to get a public Google calendar. Screen sharing: There is a public service at glance.net: http://www.glance.net/ This service does not support Mac OS-X. There was no clear statement whether they would support Macs in the (near) future. Another alternative (Centra) was mentioned: http://www.saba.com/centra-saba/ The consensus view was this is currently a low-priority item, but might be useful in the future. Document storage: Proposal: that we make document releases (suitably packaged) and that these release are made available using the "file release" section of GridForge. Noted that the file-release section in GridForge is under utilised. There are lots of documents in OGSA. If someone doesn't have an explicit reference to the document they are interested in, it is easy to get lost. A further advantage of making documents available through file releases is that the issue tracker can be used against document releases. Question: does the document exist in multiple locations? We would need to be careful that released documents don't change over time. There is a feature for locking releases. Also, there is the concept of a "document version" which auto-increments. There is also a "latest document". Normally, this updates automatically to match the document with the greatest document version but this behaviour is adjustable. The consensus was to use file releases and issue tracker to make documents available and to track issues with documents. 4) Wrap up: ---------- AOB: none DTNM: 2006-10-25 17:00--18:00 UTC Other timezones are available at http://tinyurl.com/y5ou6u Outstanding Action Items: ------------------------ AI-10.11.a: Michel to write a data transfer use case collection for UNICORE AI-10.11.b: Gavin/Paolo to write a data transfer use case collection for FTS AI-10.11.c: Ravi to write a data transfer use case collection for RFT AI-10.11.d: Alex to write a data transfer use case collection for SRM Copy AI-10.11.e: Michel to get Ravi up to speed on necessary chair issues AI-10.18.a: Michel to contact Andreas to ask how to configure a Google calendar. AI-10.18.b: Ravi to undertake necessary steps to get a public Google calendar.