OGSA-DMI conf call minutes ========================== 11 October 2006 Participants ============ Allen Luniewski, IBM Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Ann Chevernak, IBI Alex Sim, LBL Paolo from CERN Early Discussion ================ * Ravi volunteered for taking notes * Ravi requested an additional agenda item Initial steps (Ravi) ==================== * Ravi attended the EGEE conference last week * Short mini-conference (Ravi, James, ...) * Agreement on starting out with collecting use cases from current production implementations --> AI-1011a: Michel to write a data movement use case collection for UNICORE --> AI-1011b: Gavin/Paolo to write a data movement use case collection for FTS --> AI-1011c: Ravi to write a data movement use case collection for RFT --> AI-1011d: Alex to write a data movement use case collection for SRM Copy - In about three to four weeks these documents should be fixed * The four use case documents will feed into the main OGSA-DMI use case document - This process will help to identify the actors in the "big picture" Current status ============== * Ravi as co-chair of DMI - Took longer as both AD Data are stepping down in their evolvement - Necessary steps successfully accomplished - Needs finishing touches, i.e. Gridforge, Access codes hand-over etc. --> AI-1011e: Michel to get Ravi up to speed on necessary chair issues * Phone conference - Phone conference successfully set up - Plan to have weekly phone conferences until the main work load has been accomplished - After that, frequency may go down to fortnightly, monthly or even on user request only. * Document status - The group agreed that, given the current situation, starting out with a blank document is what we should do. Replica Management ================== * The group discussed the Replica Registration Service document Arie Shoshani, LBL, has sent to the group - The group agrees that this document gives a good indication on two important OGSA-DMI use cases: o Using OGSA-DMI as implementation of a Replica Copying Service - Inter-replica-domain data movement - All instances of a file/data resource are identical o Using OGSA-DMI across replica domain borders - Data resource instances are NOT identical Next Call ========= * Wednesday, 18 October 2006, 17:00 UTC ACTION ITEM SUMMARY =================== AI-1011a: Michel to write a data transfer use case collection for UNICORE AI-1011b: Gavin/Paolo to write a data transfer use case collection for FTS AI-1011c: Ravi to write a data transfer use case collection for RFT AI-1011d: Alex to write a data transfer use case collection for SRM Copy AI-1011e: Michel to get Ravi up to speed on necessary chair issues