GGF15 CAOPS-WG meeting October 3, 2005 6-7:30pm Agenda: OCSP Update - Olle Mulmo 1SCP - Milan Sova OCSP Policy - Milan Sova Namespace Policy - David Groep Olle reviewed the OCSP document ( The status is unchanged since Chicago. At Chicago the consensus was that the document should address proxy certificates, but no progress has been made on this. Suggested approach is to encode OCSP AIA in the first-level proxy certificate (branch-level pruning and control). Which OCSP responder to trust? Options: - Same as user cert? - Associate responder by way of AIA URL - OCSP signing policy delegated to responder (best way) How do we register proxy certificates and report them as revoked? This is a management-level interface required at the OCSP service. There can be multiple AIA URLs in a certificate. AIA is a bucket of information, including OCSP responders, CA issuing certificates, etc. (CRL distribution point is a separate certificate field.) Typically clients take the first good response from any of the listed OCSP responders, but this is uncovered territory. The requirements document says to process them until the first good or revoked response. Next step is to add text for proxy certificates and request final comments on the list. Then move to public comment period. No objections were raised. CAOPS is now under the community area rather than the security area. Ken Klingenstein is the Grid Operations Community Area Director. Milan gave an update on one statement certificate policies (for example, "This certificate was issued to a software agent."). The policy OIDs for these one statement policies would be encoded in the certificate. EUGridPMA has documented a template for these policies. A first policy draft will be ready by January. Should these documents be submitted to GGF CAOPS and/or IGTF/EUGridPMA/TAGPMA? The policies should be managed by PMAs. There should be an informational document to GGF. Agreement on the policies would happen at the Intl Grid Trust Federation (IGTF). Milan led a discussion on where OCSP policies should be documented. Given that OCSP policies are experimental, we don't want to document these policies in the CP. Around January, Milan plans to provide a specification for policies for experimental services. The OCSP policy should be published along with the CP. Milan will plan to make a presentation at GGF16 on this. David led a discussion of CA namespace constraints policies. We've had signing policies for ages that limit CA namespaces. A CA took C=CH, but we already have C=CH,O=CERN. Policy states that namespaces can't overlap. Why namespace constraints? - After the collapse of X.500, RPs need a means to enforce the policy statements made by ID providers and federations. - For existing CAs, only a specific branch of their namespace may be subject to the policy the RP wants to accept. - Should we also constrain the intended use of the certificate? Current implementation: - Globus Toolkit C components have limited support for signing_policy file. Only support wildcards at the end of names. - No Java implementation is available. Why not define a new format now rather than implementing the old (problematic) format? Requirements: 1. Assign multiple namespaces to a CA 2. Allow wildcards anywhere in names 3. Allow for dynamic hierarchies of issuers (Needs deployment of OCSP as well...) 4. Subordinates must be replaceable without modifying namespace constraints for any superiors 5. RFC2253 compliant string renderings of all DNs 6. Issuers without constraints must be able to co-exist 7. Must be human readable Please review the document. We need wide community buy-in. Is it simple enough to implement in all languages? Do you want to spend effort in implementing this? Once the format is agreed, the IGTF will distribute the new and old formats in parallel. IGTF will support the old format as long as needed. The new language will be more expressive than the old. For example, UID versus UserID in different OpenSSL versions. Everyone had to enter both in their VOMS servers. Would RFC2253 compliant string renderings resolve this? Is this grid-specific? Should this go to IETF? Let's start here and see where it goes. Follow the example of proxy certificates. These policies address what certificates will be accepted for authentication. This is path validation. Why isn't this fully expressed / vetted by the PMAs in the CP/CPS? The CP/CPS doesn't provide the needed granularity of control. How does this relate to the one-statement policies? We want local control over the policy. Do we really need this? Not clear. Needs further discussion and buy-in. Could we address this by cross-certification / bridging? There are implementation issues today. Please read this document, on GridForge at , and discuss on the mailing list.