Minutes of the OGSI-WG GGF7 First Meeting 05/Feb/2003 @ 10:00-11:30 Japan Time Attendance 72. IPR reminder was issued and the agenda agreed. This session was dedicated to an overview of specification. Steve Teucke's slide will be on the OGSI-WG web site, but the spec should be used for serious reference. 1) WSDL Conventions and Extensions - portType extension - WSDL 1.2 issue discussed in some detail. - serviceData - staticServiceDataValues - serviceDataValues Are there plans to put service data into WSDL? There is a trend in this direction. The definition of service data would fit into WSDL, but accessing or using it starts to bring in all of the OGSI spec. The similarity to CORDA IDL was noted. The inclusion of just service data without operations does not fit that well. The discussion within the working group with respect to the one-vs-two-documents issue was reviewed. It was also noted that the service data model is more than just meta-data. 2) Discovery Overview and examples. 3) Tooling GT3 Alpha for example, will run a simple tool to convert GWSDL to WSDL 1.1. Then the 1.1 tooling can be used for actual stub generation. Note that Globus will be working to match the spec around April time frame. This process loses the inheritance framework that was present in the WSDL. 4) Example portType walk through. 5) OGSI is all about state-full services. This creates a behavioral model that is exposed in the OGSI spec. It includes the following patterns. - Naming and binding - Life-cycle - Information model - Service Groups What about concurrent access to service data? The notion of describing the state semantics in the WSDL was put off to version two. In the mean time portType designers will need to describe coherency/concurrency semantics in the document describing the portType. 6) Interface/portType overview 7) Graphics of the architecture of OGSA and how OGSI fits into it and that of Web Services. Including examples of how one might use portTypes and service data. 8) Lifetime Management Little change since since GGF6. Factory vs hosting environment creation, hard and soft destruction. Talk touching on create, destroy, termination time, and locators. Noted that the spec tries to avoid indicating implementation strategies. 9) Service Data: Find and notification inspection strategies. Definitions of static, constant, extendable, and mutable. Service data lifetime attributes overview. Another request for how do we use the spec. Again the importance of the primer was stressed. There was a lot of debate (in the past) about how operation extension should be expressed in the spec. The solution was a starting point that only allows the refined definition of the type of arguments in a service data element. 10) setServiceData with the modifiable attribute. 11) Subscription overview as a "push" parallel to findServiceData. A summary of the three portTypes involved. A description of the Subscription as a GridService. Example walkthrough. 12) Service Group has been re-worked several times. Started as a generalized "registration" service (e.g. a registry). The primary uses case was discovery. However, other use cases motivated a notion of a collection of services for a variety purposes, e.g. collective operations. The re-factoring into three portTypes allows these multiple uses to be realized. Is a service group really a group of related services? The feeling was expressed that the service group implied too much relationship between the members. Why is this portType in OGSI rather than higher level spec? The overall feeling in the working group is that it was a common pattern in distributed computing. 13) What is OGSA? - OGSI - Web Services - Common service interfaces (more portTypes) Progressively define "OGSA Compliant".