Minutes for twenty-forth OGSI-WG Teleconference February 14, 2003 @ 17:30 - 19:30 GMT Attendees: Nick Butler - IBM Dave Snelling - Fujitsu Pete Vanderbilt - NASA Steve Tuecke - ANL Steve Graham - IBM Ellen Stokes - IBM Karl Czajkowski - ISI 1) Approve minutes of February 13th Teleconference - OK 2a) Action Review: Action: 82: Steve T: In the HandleResolver portType section, remove all discussion of clients and resolver protocols, etc. "Just state the facts, ma'am." Action: 82: Steve G: In section 3.2, add non-normative discussion on handles, references, how handles resolve to references via HandleResolver, etc. Action: 97: --- --: ----- -: Check that draft schema support optional parameters, e.g. empty extensibility, See Section 9, and resolved bug 67. Options: Define a element that can go into a ##any, or use substitution group, or use XSD nillable Action: ---: Feb 15: Steve T: To check if Incorrectvalue is the right fault name in SetServiceData operation. Action: 110: Feb 15: Steve T: Remove fault hierarchy from Spec. Deferred to V2. Action: 49: Feb 15: Steve T: Make PT extensions explicit in the wsdl. Action: 86: Feb 12: Steve T: Check that our service data elements that need coherency semantics, e.g. non-static/non-constant, have them specified. Action: ---: Feb 12: Steve G: To answer issues around SOAP 1.2 requirement for use of WSDL 1.2. - Done Action: ---: Feb 12: Steve T: To produce a GWSDL Draft. Action: ---: --- --: Steve T: Substitute service data description with service data declaration. - Done Action: ---: --- --: Steve T: some types use "ServiceType", and some use "GridServiceType". Make these consistent Action: 42: --- --: Steve T: Complete the faults for all operations in all portTypes (Action on Feb 5). Action: ---: Feb 13: Steve T: To check if these faults are needed in the spec (GT3 alpha has them) findServiceData: InvalidQuery/QueryNotSupported; subscribe: SubscriptionTargetNotFound Action: ---: Feb 13: Steve T: SetServiceData Incorrectvalue for example. The language needs to be cleaned up here so that we can indicate which value has faulted. Action: ---: Feb 13: Steve T: To check for MUSTs that should be SHOULDs with respect to Sink not being a GridService, e.g. MUST throw GSfault, etc. Action: ---: Feb 13: Pete V: Go through the various SDE names and operation parameters and suggest changes to make their names consistent. - Done Action: 19: --- --: ---- -: This bug has been resolved already. Just need to remove highlighting. (Section 12.2.1) - Done 2b) I have proposed a resolution to these actions based on the assumption that this is the final telecon. Action: ---: Feb 13: Steve T: Check with Thomas about tooling impact of xsitype. - Done Action: ---: Feb 13: Steve T: To send mail to ogsi-wg list on the issue of nuking the factory. - Drop Action: ---: --- --: Steve G: Create non-normative text for the service data section describing forward looking solutions to query processing via XPath/XQuery. (Sections, 6.2.1, 9.2.3) - Done Action: ---: --- --: Steve T: Make sure that the WSDL group is aware of the OGSI's use of the WSDL 1.2 draft. Use the gwsdl draft to package notification. - Done Action: 35: Feb 06: Steve T: Push Tom M. and Thomas S. to provide XML Schema and WSDL for the specification - Done Action: 17 & 82: --- --: Steve G: Finish the handle resolver protocol discussion (See Section 10) - Done Action: 55: Feb 11: Shel F: Provide feedback on timestamp model in OASIS, we plan to punt to v1.1 - Drop Action: ---: Feb 12: Steve T: To talk to Thomas about the tooling issue in more detail. - Done Action: 93, 94: --- --: Steve T: Check and fix these bugzilla items - Drop 3) Do we nuke the Factory? Options: A) Drop the whole portType B) SDE's only (e.g. drop CreateService) C) Keep it roughly as it is. Arguments: The tooling no longer seems to need a named function. The spec doesn't actually use the createService portType. We use ServiceGroup::add and NotificationSource::subscribe. The current spec there is no way to map the input types to the type of service created. Proposal: Drop the CreatesPortType SDE and otherwise leave it as it is. Some text to describe that there are various reasons for service creation (e.g. to create the service or as a side effect). Split vote. Resolved: For parameterizable arguments generally change type defining SDE to an element containing the QName of the argument type and a place for XML extension. Input to come from Steve T to clarify plans in this direction: ------------> 4) How to sync the WSDL schema and the Spec by Friday PM Resolution: Do schema as a separate file by reference in the spec. Resolution: Present the schema as a flat structure, if possible. 5) Re-factor ServiceGroup Key issues: Is the ServiceGroupEntry too heavy weight for the base type? Does the inclusion of ServiceType etc create too much complexity at the base type point? No not really. Is the content model static or constant? Resume 17:30 GMT Saturday Feb 15, 2003. Place: number 484-630-8733 and the passcode 95279. 6) Verify Fixed Bugs Action: Pete V. 7) Open Bugs: Open bugs needing resolution: - 82 New grid service instance registration to handle resolver Action: Steve T to look at softening the language. - 93 CreatePortType SDE and most derived portType Resolved as per the Factory discussion above. - 94 CreationExpressionTypes (Actually more general type naming issue). - 97 an alternative to emptyExtensibility - 108 Do we nuke the Factory? Resolved as per the Factory discussion above. - 109 Re-factor Service Group Action: Discussion tomorrow. - 110 Remove fault hierarchy from Spec. Resolved to Flatten the hierarchy. 7) Next Meetings: Friday, Feb 15, 2003 (Note 2 hours). 09:30-11:30 US Pacific 10:30-12:30 US Mountain 11:30-13:30 US Central 12:30-14:30 US Eastern 16:30-18:30 GMT 17:30-19:30 UK 18:30-20:30 Central Europe 01:30-03:30 Japan Place 484-630-8733 passcode 89914