Minutes for twentyfirst OGSI-WG Teleconference February 11, 2003 @ 16:30 - 18:30 GMT Dave S. Karl C. Steve G. Steve T. 1) Approve minutes of February 5th, 7th, 10th Teleconferences - Skipped. 1a) Bug Contradictions Bug 49 Says all but Sink MUST be extensions GSPT. The text is ok, but not the draft wsdl. We need an action. Action: ---: Feb 11: Dave S: Make PT extensions explicit in the text. - Done. Action: ---: Feb 13: Tom M: Make PT extensions explicit in the wsdl. Bug 53 Resolves query by service data name to have both singular and plural forms and the text is arguing about what the single plural name should be. Bug 92 Resolves that we use queryByMultipleServiceDataNames consistently, and make sure the singleton reference isn't there. Resolved: Only a single operation ending in '...Names' without the word 'multiple'. Action: Dave - Done. Bug 92 Resolves we adopt the name list in attribute syntax for find/set/delete/etc/ServiceDataByName. This was a misunderstanding, question dropped. Other service data bits: 9.1: the serviceDataName SDE set must contain all SDEs included in the WSDL and MAY contain dynamically added SDE names. Action: Dave - Done. The name listed in the query MUST be among the serviceDataName SDE (see 9.1) contained in this service instance. Action: Dave - Done. Bug 78 Says life time attributes need to be on GSRs. They aren't. This was a misunderstanding. Bug 86 Says: "We have agreed to put language to the effect that the semantics of all SD SHOULD be included in the service's description. We should do so for the SD in the spec. Therefore, we need to include coherency descriptions of all the Service Data that we define in the spec." - Who's bright idea was this? ;-) Action: Steve T. Bug 91 Says use minOccurs=1 and nillable rather than minOccurs=0 and explain what nil means. This has not been done for: Action: Dave to try a pass. I did as below: serviceDataName: Actually minOccurs=6. These 6 can't be nil. nillable=ÓfalseÓ FactoryHandle: minOccurs=1, nil => not created by a Factory, text was OK. GridServiceHandle: Leave as minOccurs=0, as this make sense for a service not advertising itself, or not knowing what handle scheme it is under. Nil has no meaning. nillable=ÓfalseÓ GridServiceReference?s?: The text implies that minOccurs=1. And nil has no meaning. nillable=ÓfalseÓ NotifiableServiceDataName: Leave as minOccurs=0 as this makes sense. Entry: MinOccurs=0 Makes sense. Nil has no value. nillable=ÓfalseÓ Note: I made the nillable=ÓfalseÓ explicit. This is, I believe the default, but it can't hurt. 1b) Filter of add requests on ServiceGroup Two aspects: 1) SG Property "I have only members of PT X or Y or ...". Add fails 2) Implicit filter on findServiceData Dropped as being the same issue as with UniquenessProperty. Can be affected by the subtype. 1c) The Pen Pen to Steve T soon. Steve To hold until Wednesday's call. 2) Review Faults Section Meta Issue 1: From Steve T: The biggest comment/issue that I see is that our model of having each fault reflected in a WSDL fault element in the operation declaration won't work for extensible operations such as FindServiceData. Should we go back to having just a single fault in the WSDL operation of type GridServiceFaultType, which is extended as necessary? Deferred discussion until later. Meta Issue 2: Resolved: Defer the fault hierarchy until v2. Action Steve T to effect changes to spec. Questions: a- Multiple errors in an operation? - Dave S would recommend that the "first" error be the primary error & others form part of the extensibility element, which may be a sequence of GridServiceFaults. Not this is not the same thing as the "cause" element. Drop question. A single fault is returned and the complexity is captured either in the causes or extensibility elements. b- Should there be an Authorization Fault? Question drops with Meta issue 2. c- Can a Grid service throw a more general fault than a published fault, e.g throw SemanticFault, rather than SubscriptionTargetNotFound? Proposal, dependent on Meta Issue 1: Allow generalized Faults, with GSF on all operations. Action: Discuss this under the revisitation of meta issue 1. d- In the fault of 6.2.2, what does "the value" refer to in the case of a multi-valued SDE? Is it talking about one SDE value or the whole set? Should "the value" be replaced by "one of the values"? - Dave S would recommend that, as above, the "first" error be the primary error, all others coming in the extensibility element. The extensibility element could also indicate which SDE was in error. Action: Steve T: Have a look for this. e- What's the difference between the fault s IncompatibleValueType and IncorrectValue? Is the intent that IncompatibleValueType indicates a syntactic violation while IncorrectValue indicates a semantic one? See Set Service Data Drop the question. f- Should we define an fault meaning "violates service constraints" or perhaps IncorrectValue would suffice. See Set Service Data. Incorrectvalue is the right concept. Action: Steve T to check the name. g- Needed additional faults (see note from GT3 group below) Yes or No. GridService:findServiceData:, InvalidQuery (semantic), QueryNotSupported (structural) NotificationSource:subscribe: SubscriptionTargetNotFound - (semantic -assuming this means the target service cannot be found, rather than a missing locator) Action: Steve T. to look at this. h- What about DeliverNotification in the NotificationSink portType, which is a single sided operation, i.e. it does not produce an output message. Can it raise GridServiceFaults? If no, there are several MUSTs in the text that need to be changed to SHOULDs. Action: Leave this to later. i- Are the min/maxOccurs, etc. correct? This was done on Monday. j- Do we want fault numbers? This was done on Monday. k- Do we want serial numbers? This is a non-question (i.e. Dave didn't mean to ask it.) End of Meeting. =============================== 4) Consolidated Actions Review Action: ---: Feb 11: Steve G: Add to the spec as a minOccurs=0, (Including explanatory text) next time with the pen [Done by DS, Feb 11 draft]. Action: ---: Feb 12: Steve G: To answer issues around SOAP 1.2 requirement for use of WSDL 1.2. Action: ---: Feb 12: Steve T: To talk to Thomas about the tooling issue in more detail. Action: ---: Feb 12: Steve T: To produce a GWSDL Draft. Action: ---: Feb 05: Steve G: Draft of GWSDL definitions (See Section 5) - moved to Steve T. Action: ---: Feb 11: ---- --: Discussion of fault architecture (See Section 7.7) Action: 55: Feb 11: Shel F: Provide feedback on timestamp model in OASIS, we plan to punt to v1.1 Action: 35: Feb 06: Steve T: Push Tom M. and Thomas S. to provide XML Schema and WSDL for the specification Action: 17 & 82: --- --: Steve G: Finish the handle resolver protocol discussion (See Section 10) Action: ---: --- --: Steve G: Create non-normative text for the service data section describing forward looking solutions to query processing via XPath/XQuery. (Sections, 6.2.1, 9.2.3) Action: 93, 94: --- --: Steve T: Check and fix these bugzilla items Action: Steve T: Substitute service data description with service data declaration. Action: Steve T: some types use "ServiceType", and some use "GridServiceType". Make these consistent Action: 19: --- --: Steve T: Check as this bug has been resolved already. May just need to remove highlighting. (Section 12.2.1) Action: ---: --- --: Steve T: Make sure that the WSDL group is aware of the OGSI's use of the WSDL 1.2 draft. Use the gwsdl draft to package notification. Action: 42: --- --: ----- -: Andrea & Steve T & Dave: Complete the faults for all operations in all portTypes (Action on Feb 5). Action: 67: --- --: ----- -: Check that draft schema support optional parameters, e.g. empty extensibility, See Section 9, and resolved bug 67. Options: Define a element that can go into a ##any, or use substitution group, or use XSD nillable 5) Next Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 12, 2003 (Note 2 hours). 08:30-10:30 US Pacific 09:30-11:30 US Mountain 10:30-12:30 US Central 11:30-13:30 US Eastern 15:30-17:30 GMT 16:30-18:30 UK 17:30-19:30 Central Europe 00:30-02:30 Japan Place 484-630-8733 passcode 89914 6) Open Bugzilla list: Notification Bugs: Bug 61 - Provide notification of destuction in the GSS Bug ?? - Deliver with ack issue?? Bug ?? - Review Notification status and language (was an agenda item). WSDL Bugs: Bug 62 - Do we need a way to mark operations in a portType optional? Factory Bugs: Bug 72 - mutability of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes and CreationInputTypes Bug 73 - Factory::CreateService requester as SDE? Bug 74 - strictness of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes commentary Misc Bugs: Bug 70 - Change SDE names from "...Types" to "...Elements" Bug 39 - message identifier for audit Bug 77 - serviceDataNames minOccurs should be 7 Bug 30 - Define queryByXPath Bug 31 - Define queryByXQuery Bug 44 - Language linking notification subscriptions to SDEs. Bug 71 - CPU port-type example SDE inconsistent Bug 81 - GSS and WS-SD need unification.