Minutes for Eighteenth OGSI-WG Teleconference February 5, 2003 @ 16:30 - 17:20 GMT Attendees: Shel Finkelstein, Sun Steve Graham, IBM Andrew, Grimshaw, Avaki Dave Snelling, Fujitsu At the start of the meeting, only Shel, Dave, and Andrew were online. Clearly we did not have a quorum! So we had a general discussion and updated a few actions only. I have retroactively assumed the Friday Teleconference. 1) Approve minutes of February 3rd Teleconference - Carry 2) Consolidated Actions Review Action: 50, 63, 68, 69: Feb 05: Dave S: Draft of Section 13 Registration/ServiceGroup as per LA F2F - Done Action: 50, 63, 68, 69: Feb 07: ---- -: Discuss of Section 13 ServiceGroup - New action Action: ---: Feb 05: Dave S: Draft of fault architecture as per Jan F2F (See Section 7.7) - Done Action: ---: Feb 07: ---- --: Discussion of fault architecture (See Section 7.7) - New Action Action: ---: Feb 05: Steve T: Use gwsdl and ogsi namespace names in spec - Pending Action: ---: Feb 05: Steve G: Draft of GWSDL definitions (See Section 5) - Pending Action: 55: Feb 05: Shel F: Provide feedback on timestamp model in OASIS, we plan to punt to v1.1 - Pending Action: 35: Feb 06: Steve T: Push Tom M. and Thomas S. to provide XML Schema and WSDL for the specification - Pending Action: 17 & 82: --- --: Steve G: Finish the handle resolver protocol discussion (See Section 10) - Pending Action: ---: --- --: Steve G: Create non-normative text for the service data section describing forward looking solutions to query processing via XPath/XQuery. (Sections, 6.2.1, 9.2.3) - Pending Action: 93, 94: --- --: Steve T: Check headings of service data. Something to do with Factory PT SDD. (Section 12.1) [All I had in the minutes was "Punt"] - Pending Action: 19: --- --: Steve T: Check as this bug has been resolved already. May just need to remove highlighting. (Section 12.2.1) - Pending Action: ---: --- --: Steve T: Make sure that the WSDL group is aware of the OGSI's use of the WSDL 1.2 draft. Use the gwsdl draft to package notification. - Pending Action: 42: --- --: ----- -: Complete the faults for all operations in all portTypes (Action on Feb 5). - Pending Action: 67: --- --: ----- -: Check that draft schema support optional parameters, e.g. empty extensibility, See Section 9, and resolved bug 67. - Pending Action: ---: --- --: Karl C: Discuss Service data redirection. See mail -> Thu Dec 12, 2002: [ogsi-wg] find service data "links" in service data values? - Pending Action: ---: --- --: ---- -: Discuss Set Service Data - Pending 3) Next Meeting: Friday, Feb 07, 2003. Steve T to post location. 10:00 US Pacific 11:00 US Mountain 12:00 US Central 13:00 US Eastern 17:00 GMT 18:00 UK 19:00 Central Europe 02:00 Japan