Minutes Seventeenth OGSI-WG Teleconference February 3, 2003 @ 16:30 - 18:00 GMT Attendees: Karl Czajkowski, ISI Shel Finkelstein, Sun Steve Graham, IBM Dave Snelling, Fujitsu Steve Tuecke, ANL Pete Vanderbilt, NASA Andera Westerinen, Cisco 1) Approve minutes January 29th Teleconference - OK 2) Actions Review Action: Tom M. provide XML Schema and WSDL for the specification. Use gwsdl for WSDL 1.2 extensions (#35) - Pending Action: Andrew G. to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior (#17) - Pending Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers (#17) - Pending Action: Steve T. and Steve G. to make sure that the WSDL group is aware of the OGSI's use of the WSDL 1.2 draft to be tied into the gwsdl draft - Pending Action: Steve G. to clarify the spec to make the differences between declaration, value, and element, e.g. clarify the conceptual model of Service Data types etc. - Done Action: Dave S to redraft fault words to reflect resolutions at January F2F and put Faults back on the agenda. - Pending New Actions: Action: Steve T to push Thomas Sandhome and Tom Maguire aim to have something out by Thursday. Resolved: Namespace names: gwsdl - for temporary stuff WSDL 1.2, but change gsdl to osgi Action: Steve T to change Namespace names as above. 3) Action list from Steve G's pass through the spec: Section 5 (GWSDL) Write it Action: Steve G: To drive draft by Wed Feb 5. Section 7.2 (I# 55) reconcile timestamp with OASIS WS-Security (Section 10) Addendum Action: Shel F to provide feedback by Wed Feb 5 with an eye to punting to V1.1 Section 7.3.1 (I# 90) delete wsdl:location We may need a broader solution, e.g. something like a registry, in V1.1 or driven by OGSA-WG. See ebxml registry, corba regitry, ... Resolved: Delete wsdl:location. Section 7.7 common handling of faults (re write this section per LA F2F) Action: Dave S by 7.7 by Wednesday Feb 5. Complete the faults for all operations in all portTypes Action: Pending until Wed 5 Section 9 (I#67) optional parms on operations Already resolved to use the EmptyExtensibility, Action: pending draft schema from Thomas and Tom. Section 9 (I#91) Factory Handle SDD nillability Resolved: If a 0, 1 case exists in the OGSI spec, we use nillability and specify specific semantics. See Factory case and Service Group case. Sections and convert to descriptive text, describing future direction Resolved: Remove explicit reference to Xpath, Query. Resolved: 6.2.1 to include parenthetical reference to (XPath, Xquery) Action: Steve G to create non-normative text for the service data section describing forward looking Section 9.2.3 SetByXUpdate (clarify text) Resolved: as above with Section (I#92) Syntax quibble with deletebySDName and deleteByMultSDName Resolved: Adopt syntax (name list in attribute) and use the same style elsewhere in the spec, e.g. findServiceDataByName. Resolved: Use queryByMultipleServiceDataNames consistently, and make sure the singleton reference isn't there. Section 10 (I#17) Finish the handle resolver protocol discussion Action: See above. Section 12.1 Factory PortType SDD (I#93) and (I#94) Punt --- Sorry folks, that what my notes said. I must have drifted away. --- Anyway, we will come back to it, plus Steve's action below. Action: Steve T to check headings of service data. Section 12.2.1 Factory CreateService (I#19) Action: Steve T to check as this bug has been resolved already. May just need to remove highlighting. Section 13 Registration/ServiceGroup (Rewrite per LA F2F). Discussion on Wed Feb 5. 4) "The Pen" is with Steve T. to 1) Accept changes & 2) Tag problems he finds. 5) Issues from the Agenda to carry forward: *) Service data redirection. See Karl Czajkowski's mail -> Thu Dec 12, 2002: [ogsi-wg] find service data "links" in service data values? *) Resolver language *) Set Service Data Review 6) Open Bugzilla list: Bugs with actions assigned. Bug 17 - Recommend client use of HandleResolver over direct resolver protocols Bug 82 - New grid service instance registration to handle resolver Steve G. and Andrew G. Bug 35 - normative XML schema is needed Tom M. Bug 42 - The distinction between 'void return' and 'no return' in some operations Dave S. - Faults summary action. Bug 50 - RegisterService Fault for Registry portType Bug 63 - Replace WSIL (temporarily?) with a simple contents description. Bug 68 - The a Registration a bag or set and what is the key? Bug 69 - Timeout should be added back into the register operation in the Registration protType. Dave S. - Registration portType action. Notification Bugs: Bug 43 - The specialization of the DeliverNotification operation Bug 61 - Provide notification of destuction in the GSS Bug 66 - Allow modification of NotificationSubscriptions Bug ?? - Deliver with ack issue?? Bug ?? - Review Notification status and language (was an agenda item). WSDL Bugs: Bug 62 - Do we need a way to mark operations in a portType optional? Factory Bugs: Bug 72 - mutability of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes and CreationInputTypes Bug 73 - Factory::CreateService requester as SDE? Bug 74 - strictness of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes commentary Misc Bugs: Bug 70 - Change SDE names from "...Types" to "...Elements" Bug 39 - message identifier for audit Bug 77 - serviceDataNames minOccurs should be 7 Bug 30 - Define queryByXPath Bug 31 - Define queryByXQuery Bug 44 - Language linking notification subscriptions to SDEs. Bug 71 - CPU port-type example SDE inconsistent Bug 81 - GSS and WS-SD need unification. 7) Next meeting Wednesday Feb 5, 2003: Time: 08:30-10:00 US Pacific 09:30-11:00 US Mountain 10:30-12:00 US Central 11:30-13:00 US Eastern 15:30-17:00 GMT 16:30-18:00 UK 17:30-19:00 Central Europe 00:30-02:00 Japan Place: 484-630-8733 passcode 89914