Minutes Sixteenth OGSI-WG Teleconference January 29, 2003 @ 16:30 - 18:00 GMT Attendees: Tim Banks, IBM Karl Czajkowski, ISI Shel Finkelstein, Sun Dave Snelling, Fujitsu Steve Tuecke, ANL Pete Vanderbilt, NASA 1) Approve minutes (of both the interim meeting and Jan 27th) It was requested the terms of the draft CRM document release was .... 2) Actions Review Action: Tom M. provide XML Schema and WSDL for the specification. Use gwsdl for WSDL 1.2 extensions (#35) - Pending Action: Pete V. to propose a more general solution to the extensibility argument pattern (#34) - Done Action: Andrew G to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior (#17) - Pending Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers (#17) - Pending Action: Steve T. and Steve G. to make sure that the WSDL group is aware of the OGSI's use of the WSDL 1.2 draft - Pending Action: Steve G. to clarify the spec to make the differences between declaration, value, and element, e.g. clarify the conceptual model of Service Data types etc. - Pending Action: Dave S to redraft fault words to reflect resolutions at January F2F and put Faults back on the agenda. - Pending Action: Dave S will update bugzilla to reflect the call. - Done 3) Query by locator equivalence and other ServiceGroup unfinished business etc. This may be the "sameness" issue all over again. There are two definitions on the table at present (GSH textual equivalence and transitive Locator equivalence). In the current semantics for ServiceGroup, this query type is intended to decide whether the add operation adds a new entry or performs a replace of the contents. It could also serve as an argument to the remove operator (e.g. remove the equivalence class of all services equal by LocatorEquivalence, even if LocatorEquivalence was not the Uniqueness property). It may also be used as an argument to findServiceData. As I see it the things to decide: - Do we need a uniqueness property and dual semantics on add? - Do we define any required/recommended query types for: - The Uniqueness Property (if we still have it). - The Match Expressions for remove. - Entries in the QueryExpressionTypes SDE. - If yes to the above, what are they? Confirmed that driving destroy on a ServiceGroupEntry is equivalent to remove of that entry. Discussion: Revisitation of multiple GSHs in the same Locator. The creation of Locators do not enforce and equality and therefore Locator equivalence can't be trusted. No action taken with respect to Locator definition or semantics. Back to ServiceGroups: Rejected: Leave the semantics to be defined by the actual service without any uniqueness property tag. Resolved: The Uniqueness Property is a SDE containing a qname defining the add semantics. Resolved: The Uniqueness Property "None" is to be specified in the GSS. Resolved: Match expression types are XPath boolean valued applied to each entry in turn. Other approaches may be considered in V 1.1. End of Meeting. 8) Next Meeting Monday February 3, 2003 Time: 08:30-10:00 US Pacific 09:30-11:00 US Mountain 10:30-12:00 US Central 11:30-13:00 US Eastern 15:30-17:00 GMT 16:30-18:00 UK 17:30-19:00 Central Europe 00:30-02:00 Japan Place: 484-630-8733 passcode 89914 Issues from the Agenda to carry forward: *) Service data redirection. See Karl Czajkowski's mail -> Thu Dec 12, 2002: [ogsi-wg] find service data "links" in service data values? *) Resolver language *) Set Service Data Review Bugs with actions assigned. Bug 17 - Recommend client use of HandleResolver over direct resolver protocols Bug 82 - New grid service instance registration to handle resolver Steve G. and Andrew G. Bug 35 - normative XML schema is needed Tom M. Bug 42 - The distinction between 'void return' and 'no return' in some operations Dave S. - Faults summary action. Bug 50 - RegisterService Fault for Registry portType Bug 63 - Replace WSIL (temporarily?) with a simple contents description. Bug 68 - The a Registration a bag or set and what is the key? Bug 69 - Timeout should be added back into the register operation in the Registration protType. Dave S. - Registration portType action. Notification Bugs: Bug 43 - The specialization of the DeliverNotification operation Bug 61 - Provide notification of destuction in the GSS Bug 66 - Allow modification of NotificationSubscriptions Bug ?? - Deliver with ack issue?? Bug ?? - Review Notification status and language (was an agenda item). WSDL Bugs: Bug 62 - Do we need a way to mark operations in a portType optional? Factory Bugs: Bug 72 - mutability of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes and CreationInputTypes Bug 73 - Factory::CreateService requester as SDE? Bug 74 - strictness of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes commentary Misc Bugs: Bug 70 - Change SDE names from "...Types" to "...Elements" Bug 39 - message identifier for audit Bug 77 - serviceDataNames minOccurs should be 7 Bug 30 - Define queryByXPath Bug 31 - Define queryByXQuery Bug 44 - Language linking notification subscriptions to SDEs. Bug 71 - CPU port-type example SDE inconsistent Bug 81 - GSS and WS-SD need unification.