Minutes of the Fifteenth OGSI-WG Teleconference January 27, 2003 @ 16:30 - 18:00 GMT Attendees: Shel Finkelstein, Sun Steve Tuecke, ANL Karl Czajkowski, ISI Dave Snelling, Fujitsu Pete Vanderbilt, NASA 1) Approve previous minutes - OK It was also noted that since the minutes from the interim meeting were long and the time between meetings short, objections to the interim minutes will be accepted on the Jan 29 call. 2) Actions: Proposal to wait to review these until Wednesday - Agreed 3) Extensibility patterns. This was the only topic we discussed. PV reviewed his proposal for supporting extensibility patterns that allowed several arguments to have different types. It amounts to a kind of polymorphism where the allowed types are listed in a SDE. The EmptyExtensibility element is used to allow for optional parameters. See notes under bug 34. ST suggested that this amounted to a framework almost as complicated as WSDL itself. He proposed a strategy where by the SDE contain qnames of portTypes having the various combinations of input/output parameters. Discussion covered: the support for dynamic argument type extension; using an extension to WSDL for true polymorphism; whether the purpose was tooling, implementation, or discovery. Resolved: In the end there were three proposals 1) Leave it pretty much as it is, 2) the enhanced SDE framework outlined in bug 34, and 3) two variants on the portType SDE approach. In the end we decided to leave it as it was and push more serious discussion of polymorphism to V 1.1. 4) The following topics from the agenda were not discussed: *) Resolver language *) Service data redirection. *) Query by locator equivalence (i.e. the UniquenessProperty for ServiceGroup:add (). *) Set Service Data Review *) Review Notification status and language. *) Bugzilla walk through. 5) Next Meeting: Time: 08:30-10:00 US Pacific 09:30-11:00 US Mountain 10:30-12:00 US Central 11:30-13:00 US Eastern 15:30-17:00 GMT 16:30-18:00 UK 17:30-19:00 Central Europe 00:30-02:00 Japan Place: 484-630-8733 passcode 89914 6) Close.