Minutes of the Fourteenth OGSI-WG Teleconference 15/Jan/03 @ 21:30-23:00 GMT Attendees: Shel Finkelstein, Sun - Bill Horn, IBM - Andreas Savva, Fujitsu - Dave Snelling, Fujitsu - Pete Vanderbilt, NASA - 1) Approve previous minutes - OK. 2) Action Review. Action: Pete to close bugs noted in Dec 18 minutes - Done. Action: Jeff Frey to draw up a description of how to integrate the 'implicit' verses 'SDE' state dichotomy. Also look into other issues of coherency control (#75, #76). - Pending Action: Steve T&G to push on W3C to get what we need (portType extension without breaking encapsulation). Take ownership. - Pending Action: Tom Maguire and John R, not being happy with the mutability language, will propose new language reflecting the current meaning. - Pending Action: Dave S Faults summary (#42). - Pending Action: Steve G. and Pete V. to drive the creation of an XML Schema for the specification. Dependent on service data and some pointers on WSDL 1.2 syntax (#35). - Pending Action: Pete V. and Steve T. to propose a more general solution to the extensibility argument pattern (#34). - Pending Action: Dave S. and Andrew G. to look at requirements and solutions for pull like semantics (#44). - Pending Action: Andrew G to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior (#17). - Pending Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers (#17). - Pending Action: Dave do registry correctly with respect to findServiceDataRedirection and take on board some of the comments and ideas from the Dec 18th teleconference (#50, #63). - Pending Note that there was discussion of the issues surrounding many of these actions. The aim was to refresh ourselves on what these issues were. Rather than attempt to summarize these issues here, I refer people to the history of minutes. There were no new issues raised in respect to these actions. 3) A final head count for meeting at USC/ISI on January 22-24 was not possible, however, of the people on the call, PV, SF, and DS will be at the interim meeting. 4) WSDL Working Group update was not possible, as no one from the W3C meeting was on the call. 5) Bugzilla walk through. All these bugs are currently open and grouped into three groups. Group A: Bugs with actions assigned. We did not discuss Group A on the call. Bug 17 - Recommend client use of HandleResolver over direct resolver protocols Steve G. and Andrew G. Bug 34 - How to specify choices for extensibility arguments to operations Pete V. and Steve T. Bug 35 - normative XML schema is needed Steve G. and Pete V. Bug 42 - The distinction between 'void return' and 'no return' in some operations Dave S. - Faults summary action. Bug 50 - RegisterService Fault for Registry portType Bug 63 - Replace WSIL (temporarily?) with a simple contents description. Bug 68 - The a Registration a bag or set and what is the key? Bug 69 - Timeout should be added back into the register operation in the Registration protType. Dave S. - Registration portType action. Bug 75 - Bifurcation of Service Data and Service State Bug 76 - Expressing Service Data vs State Bifurcation Jeff F. - Service data thesis action. Group B: Bugs which can now be dealt with by the authors. We agreed that these bugs could be moved to RESOLVED/LATER to be dealt with by one of the authors. The others listed here in the agenda have been moved to Group C. Bug 41 - Promote open standards over commercial products. Bug 58 - mechanism by which non-grid services can be "sinks". Bug 59 - Compatability Assertion Text in various places Bug 60 - References to read-only SDEs Bug 79 - review all gsdl service data for type consistency Group C: Bugs to discuss. We did not discuss these on the call. Notification Bugs: Bug 43 - The specialization of the DeliverNotification operation Bug 61 - Provide notification of destuction in the GSS Bug 66 - Allow modification of NotificationSubscriptions WSDL Bugs: Bug 62 - Do we need a way to mark operations in a portType optional? Bug 67 - Do we need/have a uniform way of handelling optional arguments? Factory Bugs: Bug 72 - mutability of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes and CreationInputTypes Bug 73 - Factory::CreateService requester as SDE? Bug 74 - strictness of gsdl:CreatesPortTypes commentary Misc Bugs: Bug 70 - Change SDE names from "...Types" to "...Elements" Bug 39 - message identifier for audit Bug 77 - serviceDataNames minOccurs should be 7 Bug 30 - Define queryByXPath Bug 31 - Define queryByXQuery Bug 44 - Language linking notification subscriptions to SDEs. Bug 71 - CPU port-type example SDE inconsistent Bug 81 - GSS and WS-SD need unification. Bugzilla Bug: Bug 80 - bug notifications emails wit autogenerated URL sent to ogsi-wg are incorrect -> Won't Fix 6) In addition to those issues in Bugzilla the following issues should be added to the agenda for next week. - Decide the process for further refinement of the specification. - Service Data State Issue - WDSL 1.2 Strategy. - Service data redirection. - Define a process to do WSDL bits of the specificatyion.