Minutes of the Eleventh OGSI-WG Teleconference 20/Nov/2002 @ 21:30-23:00 GMT Attendees: Tim Bank Karl Czajkowski Shel Finkelstein Bill Horn John Rofrana Andreas Savva Dave Snelling Steve Tuecke Pete Vanderbilt --------------------- 1. Approval of Minutes Rofrano didn't recall "Rejected: Add a delete operation. It will remain as proposed." Will leave the delete operation in his latest proposal. We can remove later as we evaluate the updated proposal. --------------------- 2. Review actions Action: Jeff Frey to draw up a description of how to integrate the 'implicit' verses 'SDE' state dichotomy. Also look into other issues of coherency control. - Pending Action: Steve T&G to push on W3C to get what we need (portType extension without breaking encapsulation). Take ownership. - Pending Action: Pete to go through the SDEs in the spec to see if these changes have any gotchas. Done: Emailed results the list. There were some gotchas. Follow-up list. Action: Tom Maguire and John R, not being happy with the mutability language, will propose new language reflecting the current meaning. - Pending Action: Steve G & John R to update Service Data document and integrate the Set service Data Document. - Pending Action: Dave S Faults summary. - Pending Action: Dave S to write up a proposal Done (not sure what this is) Action: Steve Graham and Pete to drive the creation of an XML Schema for the specification (#35) - Pending Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers (#17) - Pending Action: Dave Snelling and Andrew Grimshaw to look at requirements and solutions for pull like semantics - Pending Action: Steve G. and Jeff F. to send new position on topic based notification - Pending Action: Shel will follow-up Events use cases for events and notification. - Pending Action: All to post use cases for Notification/Events to the list. Done. Action: Keith to post pointers to the Python implementation. Done. Action: Dave S to put a proposition for registration portType, together with exact text. - Pending Action John Rofrano and Ellen Stokes will propose a setServiceDataByName(s) text. Also by DB style Update if possible. Done, but reissued request for a new draft following discussions on Nov 6th. Action: Andrew G to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior. - Pending Action: Steve T. publish spec and Resloved/Fixed bug numbers. Done. Action: Steve T. Email list of proposed resolve->verified bugs. Action: Pete V. and Steve T. to propose a more general solution to the extensibility argument pattern, see bug 34. Action: Pete V. to create XML schema for locator elements, see bug 37. --------------------- 3. Bugzilla sweep Bug 5: Reject (resolve, wontfix) This is out of bounds of ogsi. This is either a property of the service implementation, or is a language/domain specific extension to the base factory functionality. Bug 17: Already an action Bug 19: Resolve, later Resolution: Change terminationTime input to be the element, containing both the before and after values, to be initial values to the instance. Keep ServiceParameters input Keep ServiceLocator output Change CurrentTerminationTime output to also be a element. Keep ServiceTimestamp to be consistent with setTermination* operation. Rename to include the word "Current", to maintain symmetry with the setTermination* operations Remove MaximumExtension. Keep ExtensibilityOutput (but perhaps rename to be more consistent with input parameter name) Bug 30, 31: Leave open Bug 34: Leave open Rename to: How to specify choices for extensibility arguments to operations Do we have the right model for these operation templates? To give more complete specifications, we start duplicating WSDL operation definitions. Do we want to push for more direct operation parameter overloading in WSDL? Or do we keep it in GSDL? Do we just do something simple? This is probably a general pattern that needs to be solved, and not specific to just one or two operations. Action posted. Bug 35: Leave open Bug 37: Resolved, later Resolution: No need for GSH in GSR, because we now have the locator as a way of passing around this relationship. Allow gsdl:goodFrom and gsdl:goodUntil to be carried as attributes of gsdl:serviceReference and gsdl:service Handle, with text on interpretation. gsdl:serviceLocator is a sequence of 0 or more gsdl:serviceReference, and 0 or more gsdl:serviceHandle. Action posted. -------------- 4. Next Meeting: December 4, Wednesday pm (US & Europe) or Thursday am (Asia-Pacific) at: 13.30-15.00 US Pacific (e.g. Los Angeles) 14.30-16.00 US Mountain (e.g. Denver) 15.30-17.00 US Central (e.g. Chicago) 16.30-18.00 US Eastern (e.g. New York) 21.30-23.00 GMT 21.30-23.00 UK (e.g. London) 22.30-00.00 Central Europe (e.g. Paris) 06.30-08.00 Japan (next day) Teleconferences are scheduled for: December 11, 18 January 8, 15 The teleconference information for all remaining scheduled teleconferences is: 1-484-630-8733 Passcode: 72316