Minutes of the Tenth OGSI-WG Teleconference 30/Oct/2002 @ 22:00-13:30 GMT Attendees: Shel Finkelstein Steve Graham Bill Horn Fred Maciel John Rofrano Andreas Savva David Snelling Steve Teucke Peter Vanderbilt 1) Approval of GGF6 Minutes - OK 2) Here is a list of the open issues from the latest minutes. In the meeting we aimed to either clear them all or transfer them to Bugzilla. From before GGF6: - Oinn's report on presence or absence of SDEs still be be discussed Dropped pending re submission with explanation. It simply had been too long for any present to really recall what the issue was. - What assumptions can be made about the properties of a service resolved by a resolver? Should be resolved by new handles sections. Dropped, as there are several issues in Bugzilla under which these issues will be addressed. - Explore further the implications of subscriptions as Grid Services? Moved to Bugzilla possibly under the new heading of the Primer. - What does a successful return from a RegisterService call mean? Dropped, as addressed in bugzilla. - Is there a returned XML element coming back with a subscription containing additional information about the subscription? Added to Bugzilla to be resolved to match the factory pattern. - Is a Registration a bag with deletion on syntactic match of key (see below) and the extensibility element (wild card allowed)? Dropped as already in Bugzilla. - What should the key be? a locator or a GSH? Dropped as already in Bugzilla. - Do we need a Test and set operation somewhere in the spec? Resolved not to have it on setServiceData. There are no transaction semantics anywhere else, so don't add it here now. - How do we specify which of a multiple valued setSDE/updateSDE worked and which failed? Dropped as in Bugzilla. - Track the IPR status of WSIL. Dropped as already in Bugzilla. - Should WS-Inspection document (or other formats) be explicitly noted in the spec? Dropped as already in Bugzilla. From now on, in the meetings, we will attempt to have NO carried issues in the minutes. All these will be worded as actions with a named person(s) attached, or entered into Bugzilla. 3) Here is a list of pending actions from before GGF6 and their current status: Action: Steve Graham and Pete to drive the creation of an XML Schema for the specification, #35 - Pending, but may be dealt with in a breakout at GGF6. Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers. Pending, but may be a session at GGF6. Action: Dave Snelling and Andrew Grimshaw to look at requirements and solutions for pull like semantics - Pending with ideas forming. Action: Dave will look into a DeliverWithAck option. One issue is specifying which delivery operation should be used - Pending, but ties into the events and notifications discussions. - Move text to bugzilla (#57) and Drop. Action: Steve Tuecke will propose a binding layer project to OGSA WG, but he is not committed to drive it - Done. Action: Proponents of the inclusion of QoS specifications in Grid Service portTypes to produce documentation to the list justifying a reconsideration of this issue. - Done. Action: Steve T. to arrange calls starting October 30th at the new time. - Done. Action Steve T. to update document schedule on the Web site to reflect decisions at the interim meeting. - Done. Action: Authors to ensure that changes have been executed in the draft for bugs 21 and 22 - Done. Action: Steve G. to check bug 46 and 47 status in the document. - Done. Action: Dave to go through the minute and append resolutions to the notes associated each bug - Done. Action: Dave and Steve T. to establish a process for dispatching the bugs and removing their references from the document - Done. Here are actions arising at GGF6: Action: Dave, Steve G, and others Write something for Events portType that might work with JMS and related issues (use cases) - Pending At GGF6, this was replaced with a general call for use cases that will allow us to understand these issues better. This is the technical issue for the next teleconference. Action: All to post use cases for Notification/Events to the list. - Pending Action: Steve Tuecke to approach the Steering Committee to put us on track for a doing a version 1.1 - Done. Action: Keith to post pointers to the Python implementation. - Pending Action: Massimo Cafaro to provide gSOAP pointers onto the list. - Done Action: Kate to provide an update on the primer - Done. Action: Dave S to put a proposition for registration portType, together with exact text - Pending Action John R and company will propose a setServiceDataByName(s) text. Also by DB style Update if possible. - Pending Action Steve T to investigate the goodfrom/until for find coherency - Done. Action: Andrew G to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior. - Pending. Action: Steve T. publish spec and Resloved/Fixed bug numbers - Pending. 4) This is the list of topics from GGF (most of which are not yet completed) 1 & 3 will be agenda items for next week. 1 - Notification possibly divided into "Event-style mechanisms". 2 - Registration/Collection interface hierarchy and operations. 3 - Read-Write SDE's Bug 51 ? - Extension relationship in the GS portTypes . ? - Coherency semantics of multiple findServiceData operations. ? - Bugizlla issue review. ? - Interim strategy discussion (what to do before WSDL 1.2) ? - Resolver behavior and the sem antics of multiple naming schemes. 5) Matters arising Interim meeting - Just a reminder to have your registration sorted out ASAP. 6) Technical Issues. We didn't get to this. 7) Next meeting confirmation. There is a weekly teleconference on Wednesday pm (US & Europe) or Thursday am (Asia-Pacific) at: 14.00-15.30 US Pacific (e.g. Los Angeles) 15.00-16.30 US Mountain (e.g. Denver) 16.00-17.30 US Central (e.g. Chicago) 17.00-18.30 US Eastern (e.g. New York) 22.00-23.30 GMT 22.00-23.30 UK (e.g. London) 23.00-00.30 Central Europe (e.g. Paris) 07.00-08.30 Japan (next day) Teleconferences are scheduled for: November 6, 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18 The teleconference information for all remaining scheduled teleconferences is: 484-630-5376 Pass code: 71180#