Minutes of the Seventh OGSI-WG Teleconference 25/Sep/2002 @ 15:00-16:30 GMT Attendees: Tim Banks Karl Czajkowski Shel Finkelstein Steve Graham Bill Horn John Karpavitch Fred Maciel Andreas Savva Frank Siebenlist David Snelling Steve Teucke Peter Vanderbilt 1) Approval of minutes form Setpember 18th. OK 2) Review of pending actions: Action: Steve Graham to drive the creation of an XML Schema for the specification, #35. - Pending Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers. - Pending Action: Dave Snelling and Andrew Grimshaw to look at requirements and solutions for pull like semantics. - Pending Action: Thomas Oinn to summarize the meaning of the presence/absence of service data content. - Done Action: Shel Finkelstein to write a working definition of Client and some case studies where QoS properties become critical - Done Action: A. Grimshaw to see if the dissertation referred to can be pushed to the whole mailing list - Done 3) Review of plans for GGF Tuesday, October 15 07.00 - 08.00 GFSG meeting 08.30 - 09.30 Opening Plenary 10.00 - 11.30 OGSI WG Update 12.00 - 13.30 OGSA-SEC WG & DAIS WG session 1 14.00 - 15.30 OGSI WG Technical Discussion 16.00 - 17.30 OGSA WG 19.30 - 21.30 Social event Wednesday, October 16 07.00 - 08.00 GFSG meeting 08.00 - 09.30 DAIS WG session 2 10.00 - 11.30 OGSA WG 12.00 - 13.30 OGSI WG Technical Discussion 14.00 - 15.30 OGSI WG Technical Discussion 16.00 - 17.30 Unscheduled (Globus people have R&D 100 award ceremony) Thursday, October 17 07.00 - 08.00 GFSG meeting 08.00 - 09.30 OGSI WG Technical Discussion 10.00 - 11.30 Area meetings 12.00 - 13.30 Closing Plenary 4) Technical Agenda: Discussion focused on two basic questions, although some effort was required to separate these issues from each other. a) Do we need a portType level mechanism for describing the QoS expected by a GridService? The key issue here was whether sufficient QoS information was available as part of the binding options available at the grid service or if some QoS information needed to be provided independent of the binding. For example, Grid Service X expects "guaranteed delivery" semantics on notification deliveries. The alternative argument was that the GS should only be published with stated bindings that meet these requirements. The problem remains that someone wishing to adapt the portType to a new binding has no way of knowing what QoS properties of the binding that portType relies on. The issue remains unresolved. Action: Shell will draft a SDE for consideration that captures some QoS information and acts as a place holder for more detailed development later. Action: Steve T. will propose a binding layer project to OGSA WG. Action: Proponents of specifying QoS at the binding only are asked to answer the following: How does reliable mesaging work in the absence of portType specification of QoS? How does the client/service request/provide it? b) Should we add a DeliverWithAck operation to the NotificationSink portType? Related to QoS, but with a more narrow focus, there was some concern that the very relaxed model for notification delivery was not a sufficient basis on which to build more sophisticated notification frameworks. A DeliverWithAck operation was suggested (it had been present in an earlier draft). This would provide a better basis for building reliable messaging than the current DeliverNotification. With out it, services requiring complex messaging services would need to start from scratch rather than build on this standard. The issue was not resolved. Action: Dave will look into a DeliverWithAck option. One issue is specifying which delivery operation should be used. c) Open issues pertaining to Notification #43 The specialization of the DeliverNotification operation #44 Language linking notification subscriptions to SDEs. - Explore further the implications of subscriptions as Grid Services. Return semantics and Exceptions in the Spec. - What does a successful return from a RegisterService call mean? #42 The distinction between 'void return' and 'no return' in some operations 5) Open Issues: - Track the IPR status of WSIL. - Should WS-Inspection document (or other formats) be explicitly noted in the spec? - Oinn's report on presence or absence of SDEs still be be discussed. - What assumptions can be made about the properties of a service resolved by a resolver? 6) Next meeting Time: Wednesday, October 2nd 08:00-09:30 US Pacific (GMT - 7) 09:00-10:30 US Mountain (GMT - 6) 10:00-11:30 US Central (GMT - 5) 11:00-12:30 US Eastern (GMT - 4) 15:00-16:30 GMT 16:00-17:30 UK (GMT + 1) 17:00-18:30 Central Europe (GMT + 2) 00:00-01:30 Japan Place: Phone: Correct through GGF6. Phone number: 1-484-630-5376 Pass code: 93031 IRC: DALnet #ogsi Agenda: The Notification topic has been tabled (in the American sense) until GGF. There has been a request to review Service Data.