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Documents / gridforge / Input Documents / Use cases / Software_Engineering / EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid'



2010-09-09 05:37:50 by Redmine Admin

EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid'

gridforge/Input Documents/Use cases/Software_Engineering/EDGI-Use-Case-Enforce-Security-Of-Production-Service-Grid.doc

Lot of thanks to Ilya SAVERCHENKO for his valuable comments. 'Activity' is defined by GLUE 2.0 as 'Unit of work which is submitted to a Service via an Endpoint'. What needs to be frozen is NOT the physical resources processing work of the malicious User, but the tasks created locally for this malicious User. 'Use Cases' are NOT literary work requiring perfect English , but technical work requiring accuracy and precision; therefore, from the suggested corrections about English, I have taken into account only those which do NOT pose a risk of confusion or imprecision.




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